Tuesday, 6 November 2012

7 Areas Of Repersentation

the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice; (how does who owns a media company influence the type of film made and its potential success? For example do BIG companies make BIG films and therefore make all the money? Is it possible for small companies to succeed?) The Companies the produced Kick Ass were 'Marv Film' and 'Plan B Entertainment', ' Plan B Entertainment' are an americain company who was founded by big actors - Brad Pitt, Brad Grey and Jennifer Aniston - and is owend by Brad Pitt but they have a release deal with 'Paramount pictures', 'Warner Bros.' and '20th Century Fox'. 'Plan B Entertainment' is a private companie not allowint the public to hold shares and also it only has a small amount of share holders.

the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing; (how do companies work together to produce, distribute and publicize a film? How can Disney use their size to promote and publicise a film? How can small companies work together to promote their business' when making and promoting a film?)
They can do this by coming together to make a product or advert that involves the two companies, for instance- Harry Potter joined up with lego to make Lego Harry Potter to promote their film and gain money from that product too.

the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange; (how has the introduction of digital film, 3D, DVD, Blue Ray, internet streaming, downloadable content, home cinema influenced the types of films made, the way we watch them and the way we 'buy' them?)
Technologie has a big influence when making films because you can now show them in 3D, Blue-Ray and Download them off of the internet. If the producers decide to also show the film in 3D they will be able to charge you more for seeing it in 3D than in 2D because it costs more to make but they know people will pay that little bit extra to watch it in 3D so it is good for marketing. Now films come on blue-ray (HD) too which allows the company to also charge more for people to buy the dvd because it is better quality than a normal dvd player. this is also good because people like to see things in HD. Now for Films can also be downloaded and rented from the internet i creates a large and easier way of buying and renting films from home instead of making a journey to the shops and also more people are downloading content these days so it makes it easier for people and it is a good way of being able for you to rent the move and not having the problem of forgetting to take it back after the time period has expired.

the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences; (how and why have film companies had to alter the way they work now everyone has web enabled phones, PC's, consoles etc? How have audiences changed their viewing habits now we no longer need to go to the cinema to watch a film) 
They have had to change they way they work because they want as many people to watch the film and see the posters and information about the film as possible so they would have to make websites for the film and internet adverts in order from a wide range of people to see the trailers and information about the film. Audiences have changed the way thy view films because they wont go to the cinema to see it unless they really want to and have time because they can just wait for it to be downloadable and then whatch it at home with friends or family.

the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences; (can you think of examples of how different technologies have come together to help the film industry?)  
One of the big technological Convergence's games because mostly everyone from the age 7+ is playing some type of video game and if the company that has produced and made the film makes a game out of it more people are going to buy the game and want to see the film. Games are one of the best ways of selling your film to younger people if they are your target age range.

the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions; (how do film companies try and attract their audience? Do they do different things in different countries?) 
Some companies will have teamed up with an american company to help fund the film which means that their would be advertising in america as well as the other country and this means it has a wider range of advertisement and is more likely to be seen and spoke about. Mostly americans will think of creative ways to advertise films like an easter egg hunt but for the film with different clues and information that reveals things about the film and gets the audience excited. 

the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour. (what is your opinion on the above? Do you see the developments as a good or bad thing?)

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